Clef change for whole part

• Mar 5, 2019 - 11:08

It's been a while since I last used Musescore and I'm having trouble changing the clef the whole part.
I dropped a midi part in the program and get a score with a treble clef and I need to change this to TAB. I tried looking it up in the manual, but all I can find is how to add a change for a certain amount of bars, within the part.
How do I change the clef for the whole part? Or where in the manual can I find the topic about this?



I can do that when I create a new part, but this is done for me when I drop the midi file into the program and then the program chooses the clef and I cant find how to change this. That is my question, how do I do this?

Changing from treble to tab isn't just a clef change, it's an entirely different type of staff. Easiest way to change is go to Edit / Instruments and select the appropriate staff style there.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I had a look and I couldnt get it to change the first try, but a saw the part was set to piano. So I opened the 'Staff/Part Properties' window and changed the instrument to 'Electric guitar (Tabulature)', then the part changed from a bass cleff, to a treble cleff and with that changed, I could change the 'Staff Type' in the 'Instrument' window, to 'Tab. 6-str. common', which changed the staff to TABs.

Thanks, Marc!

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