Pizz to Arco

• Apr 12, 2019 - 15:31

I have my strings playing pizz at first, but when I followed the instructions at: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/mixer#mid-staff-change
to change them back to arco, it doesn't work.
I don't know why they do not change back to arco, but I would like to have them change.
Thank you.

Attachment Size
Aqua_Harp.mscz 8.86 KB


Is this supposed to be a joke? That score stems from a stoneage version of MuseScore
<museScore version="1.11">, so this got to be Version 0.9.5 from 2009-08-14!! (See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/developers-handbook/references/versio…)
Still it is possible, but of course not with the help of the MuseScore 2 (or 3) handbook...

Update at least to MuseScore 1.3. Also consider installing 2.3.2 and 3.0.5, the latest MuseScore 1, 2 and 3 releases (and/or even 3.1 Beta)

Attachment Size
Aqua_Harp.mscz 9.82 KB

What version are you using? MuseScore says it's a version earlier than 2.0. If this is the case, then whatever is happening is likely to have been fixed. You really need to upgrade, at least to 2.3.2 if you want a 2.x version with few bugs and lots of features. You can also upgrade to 3.0.5 if you want, but there are still many bugs. 3.1-beta was released today and I'm still working on testing it.

In reply to by Tanjelly

Yeah, sorry, sounded harsher that I meant it. But really, an almost 10 years old version...
You find MuseScore 1.3 at https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/musescore/releases/MuseScore-1.3/ and MuseScore 2.3.2 at https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/musescore/releases/MuseScore-2.3.2/ and MuseScore 3.0.5 at https://musescore.org/en/download and MuseScore 3.1 Beta at https://musescore.org/en/3.1beta

Just out of curiosity: where did you find that very old version? It is not available (anympore and since long) from anywhere on the musescore.org website as far as I can tell?

In reply to by Tanjelly

You seem to have found one of the first scores posted to MuseScore.com. It was created in a pre-2.0 version (maybe in a 0.9x version?). I suggest that you follow Jojo's link above for version 1.3 and use that for this score. I won't make guarantees it'll work, but there's a better chance than in a 2.x version or later.

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