No sounds on Musescore 3.05.5992 Rev 58dd23d
Hi, I've upgraded to Musescore 3.05.5992 and now have a problem hearings sound.
I've checked the configuration on note entry, uninstalled previous versions, restarted my PC, reset to factory settings, reset all preferences to default and checked my soundcard works (it does with other applications).
I also notice that the playback option is greyed out and does not work pressing the space bar.
Any suggestions?
I'm running Windows 10 Pro Version 1809
Attachment | Size |
Test_Score.mscz | 6.43 KB |
MS preferences.png | 35.17 KB |
Wrong preferences page, look at the I/O one
In reply to Wrong preferences page, look… by Jojo-Schmitz
I've looked there (and attached the screenshot) but the drop down boxes have no options
Is there something else I need to do?
In reply to Thanks, I've looked there … by Mark Forrest
Did you upgrade from version 2? If so, make sure your sound driver is 64 bit.
In reply to Did you upgrade from version… by mike320
Fantastic, that's it sorted now.
Downloaded the new sound driver, applied in I/O and its working now.]
Many thanks
In reply to Thanks, I've looked there … by Mark Forrest
Nothing when hitting that button "Restart audio and MIDI devices"?
In reply to Nothing when hitting that… by Jojo-Schmitz
No nothing, but installing a new driver worked
In reply to No nothing, but installing a… by Mark Forrest
Thanks for your help today
All resolved now.
Thanks for the support