Glissando's not selectable in range
Glissando -> context menu -> Glissando segment -> selection all similar resp. in same staff: works allright.
But with a range selected ->context menu ->all similar elements in range selection
is the result on my system: Nothing selected.
Can someone please verify this?
Windows 10 (10.0) (64-bit):, -58dd23d
Also in the 32-bit version. Works from Select/more.
It looks defective even in the Nightly d4b829c
In reply to Also in the 32-bit version… by Shoichi
May be unrelated: in the Palette Arpeggio's & Glissando's: all glyphs can be colored and show their color in the Inspector but on the screen the two glissandi are not colored.
In reply to May be unrelated: in the… by [DELETED] 135427
Huh? All black on white for me, in the palette
In reply to Huh? All black on white for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes but not on the screen
All these glyphs can be colored, as shown in the Inspector.
And they are all colored on the screen except the two glissandi .
Can you verify that? If yes, shall I make two separate reports in the issue tracker?
In reply to Yes but not on the screen… by [DELETED] 135427
Yes, verified, so please 2 issues
Edit: Actually just one, for the color?
In reply to Also in the 32-bit version… by Shoichi
On my system: does NOT work from Select/more.
I don't see 'Glissano segment' in a Glissano's context menu
Edit: I take that back, need new glasses
And I can confirm the bug. Please report in the issue tracker
Actually, as you just found out, it has been reported already in #179251: Select all glissandos in Range Selection fails
In reply to I don't see 'Glissano… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for your amazing energy in supporting MuseScore!
The other issue hasn't been reported before
Coloring glissando's: color visible in inspector but not on screen
In reply to Thank you for your amazing… by [DELETED] 135427
or better #289513: Coloring glissando's: color visible in inspector but not on screen ;-)
In reply to or better #289513: Coloring… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm learning!
In reply to I'm learning! by [DELETED] 135427
Notated as [#289513]. Turns into a link and on the linked issue links back here