Extra Rests

• Dec 15, 2014 - 03:34

I've only been using Musescore for a few days but I love it all already, let me just say that. But one annoying thing that I keep running into is whenever I import a MIDI track that alternates between two voices per instrument back to one, such as in choir pieces, when unison is established again the measure is littered with rests. What am I doing wrong/how can I avoid this?


In reply to by SmokinLettuce

Voice one rests cannot and should not ever be deleted. They are needed to show the proper number of beats in the measure. In *some* cases it can be proper to delete voice 2 rests, but normally they too should be shown - standard notation usually calls for all choices to be complete. If you are familiar with how these rules work and know that you have one of the exceptions where it is permissible to not show rests in voice 2, then you are indeed free to hide or delete them. But this is a decision that must be made case by case, as again,rules of notation normally require they all new shown except for some very specific cases.

Feel free to post a score you are having trouble with if in doubt.

So realize also that KIDI does not contain the short is information normally required to give good import. MuseScore tries as hard as it can, but it.will constantly run into the limitations of that format.

In reply to by SmokinLettuce

Again, voice one *must* have rests where there are no notes. There are never extra rests in voice one - by definition, they are all needed. It's only voice two rests that can in certain specific situations possibly be hidden or deleted. If you are fmiliar with the specific rules of music notation that dictate when these rests must be shown and when they are optional, then go ahead and hide or delete the unnecessary ones - MuseScore allows you to do this.

Again, if you have a specific score you are having questions about or problems with, please post it here and explain what you are trying to do and why, and someone will probably be able to help.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I know this is an old thread, but hopefully someone can help. I am having the same problem. There are notes in voice one on staff 1. No problem. Every beat is accounted for by either a note or a rest.
The extraneous rests appear in other staves within the same system. Voice 1 rests (which highlight in blue, when selected) appear in staff 2 (whose notes & rests highlight in green, because they are voice 2).
I have tried selecting them & deleting them using edit->cut, as well as command-x, as well as the delete key. None of these will remove the rests.
As a result, my scores are littered with V1 rests in all systems & it can be cumbersome for some to read.
I have attached a sample for you to look at.
Thank you, in advance for your assistance.

Attachment Size
Test_Score.pdf 67.01 KB

In reply to by ILoveDisneyland

Indeed, you should be using voice 1 for each staff. Only use voices >1 if you need more than one voice *on the same staff*.

If you already have a score you have entered incorrectly, it's not too late to fix. Select the contents of the staff with the problem, then Edit / Voices to move the contents of the staff to voice 1. Then you can remove the unnecessary rests from the original staff. If you need further assistance, please attach your specific score (not just a picture of it) and we can walk you the process in more detail.

I had the same problem. Based on the comments, which weren't entirely clear to me, but I did an experiemnt on a choral score. If you want stems up for soprano and stems down for alto, likewise for tenor and bass, use voice 1 for soprano and tenor and voice 2 for alto and bass. That worked for me.

It took me a long time to figure this out, but I finally managed to solve it. I had all my notes perfectly quantized, they were all on the same channel, and they were all using the same voice. Why did I still have these extra rests popping up.

The problem, I discovered, has to do with when you have longer and shorter notes in the same measure, and the score needs to know where to place the shorter notes, the ones that don't start at the beginning of the measure. There seem to be (at least) two ways to solve this: (1) replace the longer notes with more than one shorter note and tie them together; or (2) simply make the longer note a shorter note, so that there are no overlapping notes in the measure.

This should be solvable through the piano roll editor, but clearly, at this point the piano roll editor is only half-built. While you can change the pitch and shorten and delete notes there, you still cannot move notes, which is fundamental to any even basic midi editor. Apparently, this is still under development. Moreover, using the piano roll editor to delete or shorten notes does not solve the problem, as the errant rests still appear. You have to delete the measure and use note entry to solve the problem.

Finally, I also like to start by importing a midi file because it saves so much time. There are literally thousands of high-quality midi files that one can start with, some of them dating back more than three decades. The key is to prepare your midi file very carefully and do a test import or two, correcting any offending measures in your midi editor before the final import.

In reply to by jurgfella

It's not really clear what you mean here, but I encourage you to start a new thread, attach the MIDI file you are having trouble with, and describe in more detail what you are trying to do. Then we can understand and assist better.

Sounds from your description that while your MIDI file was quantized, there were overlaps, and overlaps require multiple voices - that's just how musical notation works. So the rests are necessary to show the overlaps that were present. If the overlaps weren't meant to be there, then you probably need to quantize more aggressively - like see if your MIDI program has an option to eliminate overlaps while quantizing.

In reply to by jurgfella

> "You have to delete the measure and use note entry to solve the problem"
No, you don't.

While it is true that to be able to handle overlapping notes the usage of voices becomes a necessity, you can resolve those as follows (and without PRE will likely be faster, even if less familiar):
1. Select the note to shorten
2. Select it's new duration (duration button on toolbar or just the keyboard shortcut for it).
Repeat for all notes to be "fixed"
3. Select entire staff
4. Implode (which will place all notes back into a single voice, since they now no longer overlap)
If rests still remain, implode again.

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