• Oct 3, 2019 - 11:27

I began writing my music arrangement, and after few bars I cannot add any note in every staff. Could you please help me continue my writing?


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קטונתי.mscz 21.29 KB


You probably changed note input modes by pressing ctrl+shift+i or the Hebrew equivalent and changed to repitch mode. You will see a dot with some sort of brackets around it on the toolbar (usually below new score) rather than a fancy N if this is the case.

In reply to by mike320

Alt-shift S is a good idea. I occasionally use repitch. Now that I know the symptoms of being trapped in repitch, it's not a problem, but I suspect not only I (a couple of years ago) and the OP are not the only ones to find ourselves there without knowing what's going on. I remember filing a bug report on my score ....

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

I've seen this problem, including on my own computer, many times and the only good solution I can think of is to remove the default ctrl+shift+i as the shortcut for repitch mode. I think I've seen this as a shortcut for insert in some situations, so it might be an instinctive option for some people.

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