BUG: Repeats ignored in exported mp3 or ogg
Repeats in a score are ignored in exported to mp3, including voltas. In the attached score there are several multi-measures repeats with voltas. However, in the exported mp3/ogg, the repeats are not played and voltas are played serially rather than alternately--that is both endings are played back to back. Fortunately, their is a workaround, unroll the repeats in the score using the new "Unroll Repeats" command under Tools before exporting. Still, this is step should be unnecessary.
PS: Why does Musescore.org accept ogg but not mp3 for upload?
Attachment | Size |
SambaReggaeSdS_grid.mscz | 59.53 KB |
SambaReggaeSdS_grid.ogg | 977.44 KB |
See also https://musescore.com/groups/improving-musescore-com/discuss/5042330, where it also got reported that repeats don't play. And on musescore.com it is a MP3 that gets generated for that.
In reply to See also https://musescore… by Jojo-Schmitz
This seems to have been fixed. The downloaded mp3 from the .com site had the repeats.
Do you have the "play repeats" button checked, like it is on this screenshot (red circle marks the correct button)? If you have it switched off then the exported audio file will indeed have no repeats played back.
With this button being checked I get the correct audio file with all repeats played back properly.
In reply to Do you have a "play repeats"… by dmitrio95
Thanks. Somehow the play repeats button was unselected. Selecting it worked.
In reply to Do you have a "play repeats"… by dmitrio95
This button seems to be different with the situation in question.
This button controls the "hand-set" repeating of playback. But the question here is about "exported files" do not respect notated repeats in the score.
In reply to Do you have a "play repeats"… by dmitrio95
But this buttons does seem to solve the problem, which makes me surprised. I wonder why they design like this...
In reply to But this buttons does seem… by Robert Jiang
In classical music there are a lot of occasions where repeats are ignored, mostly to shorten the performance. Unclicking this button ignores the repeats both during playback and export of audio.
In reply to In classical music there is… by mike320
Thanks for your informative clarification~
In reply to Do you have a "play repeats"… by dmitrio95
Hi, for me it still doesn't work, when exporting to MP3, repeats are ignored. I think I have the correct notation, on playback, repeats are played, the exported file ignores the repeats and when playback after exporting, the repeats are also ignored until I restart the program
It seems to be a relatively new bug, I know for sure that mid 2019 it was not there.
Any ideas?
In reply to Hi, for it still doesn't… by Danker Schaareman
Ok folks, problem solved: the repeat button in the menu toolbar was not clicked/ not greyed. Now it works fine!
Sorry with regards - and a merry Christmas and a productive 2020.