Silent Install Command
I'm trying to set up an unattended install for MuseScore. I've tried the following command from the website -
"MuseScore-X.Y.exe /S /D=C:\Program Files\MuseScore", but i cant get the app to install silently. would anybody be able to help?
I'm trying to install this on windows 10 64-bit machines.
thank you
The MuseScore installer is not an exe anymore since ages, but an msi, so that information is very outdated.
The current handbook pages contains a hidden hint though:
Advanced users: Silent or unattended install
You can install MuseScore silently with the following command
see also
(as per that you may want to use
)See also…
(and the
options)It is most probably hidded because it is untested.
If you try it out and it works, please report here and we'll 'unhide' it.
In reply to the MuseScore installer is… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for the reply! The command line you provided worked.
msiexec /i MuseScore-X.Y.msi /qb-
In reply to Thank you for the reply! The… by Harry2222
OK, I added that to the handbook then