How to add a dot to a note without affecting the next measure?

• Apr 26, 2020 - 22:08

Hi! (Me again) I've been trying to fix one bar/ measure on my score. It's on 3/4 at 88bpm.

On the left side of the image you can appreciate how it was and on the right side how it is now.
Also, if you pay close attention there are some litte tiny gray lines on that measure alone.
I circled them for you to see.
I don't know how it happened. I can't remember. All I know is that I can't fix it.

Everytime I try to add a dot to a note head, it affects the next measure.
I'm almost done with my Project and this thing has been messing with me for a couple of days now.
Is there a way to fix it?

Anyway, Thanks for Reading!

Attachment Size
EV - New Issue 26042020.png 184.89 KB


Seems to be for me that the measure is corrupt (a quarter rest on the one measure and a half rest on another doesn't match). So delete this measure via "ctrl+del", insert this measure again via "ins" and enter the notes again. If this doesn't help, attache the score.

Those - signs mean that those measures have a shorter actual duration than their nominal duration, probably you removed a note or rest using Ctrl+Del

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