musescore beams

• May 22, 2016 - 15:48

im trying to compose with musescore 2.0.3 but it wont let me add beams. what do I do


As mentioned, beams are created autoamtically if you enter notes of a duration that are normally beamed (ie, eighth note or shorter). So if you choose eighth note or sixteenth notes as the duration and enter several notes, they are beamed automatically. See the Handbook under "note input" for more on entering notes into MuseScore.

In reply to by eletricsaberman

If you are transcribing and it looks like you have a beam connecting 2 1/4 notes, then it is probably a tremolo between 2 1/8th notes. The two notes need to be 1/8th notes, not 1/4 notes. Open the tremolo palette, click the first of the 1/8th notes and then the single line with no beam on it (the fifth one counting from the top left). This sounds like what you are describing.

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