Deleting multiple consecutive rests

• Nov 10, 2016 - 14:29

I am having trouble deleting multiple rests when they are notated as the long horizontal bar with the number of rests indicated over the bar (within one measure but multiple rests).
I have selected them and then hit ctrl DEL but nothing happened.


Also note (and unrelated to the above question) that within any measure you can have any number of rests so long as they add-up to the same duration of silence (which they always will).

If you click on a quarter-rest you can convert it to two eighth-rests, four sixteenth-rests and so on.   You can also go the other way.   The duration of this “moment of silence” remains the same.

Deleting rests is a slightly ambiguous thing to do.

In MuseScore when you delete a note it is replaced by a rest. What would you expect the rest to be replaced by when you remove it?

What the comments above describe is how you remove "smaller value" rests, like quarter rests, by merging them into full measure rests.

But I suspect that you do not only want to remove the rests, but also the measures which contain the rests. You do that by marking the measures and press ctrl-del (or select Edit->Measure->Delete Selected Measures).

If you just want to not see the rest symbols, but keep the measures, you can mark the rests as invisible (select them and press 'v').

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