Bug? Can't Delete Measure Numbers
I started a new file by taking an old one and deleting the notes. The piece is only 12 measures long and has measure numbers showing at mm. 5 and 9, which I want to delete. I tried selecting and deleting them, which doesn't work. (And yes, when I select them, the style shows as "Measure Number" in the Inspector.) However, when I go to Style > General > Header/Footer/Numbers, the measure number box is NOT ticked. I can hide them using the Inspector, but I want to delete them. Why are any measure numbers showing at all? How can I get rid of these?
In order to do better than guess, we would need you to attach the score. Assuming measure numbers are turned off in the style settings, they *shouldn't* be showing. If the old score was created in some sort of experimental nightly build or other older unreleased version of the software, it's possible it contains something that is no longer supported and that could be the source of the problem I guess.
BTW, instead of taking an old file and deleting the notes, try copying the old file to your Templates folder. Then it will be available to you in the template list every time you create a new score, no need to manually open it and delete notes etc.
In reply to In order to do better than by Marc Sabatella
Thanks, Marc. I didn't attach the score as I didn't think it would be that helpful. But I'll do one better. Attached is a screenshot of the score. Before I took it I highlighted the measure number so it shows in the style inspector, and opened the number dialog.
The score was created with MS 2.0. Thanks for the tip on the Templates.
In reply to In order to do better than by Marc Sabatella
Well I guess I should also attached the score file in case you want to look at the code or something.
In reply to Well I guess I should also by darkstream
Screenshots generally are *not* helpful - your description of the problem was clear enough, but figuring out what the *source* of the problem is almost always requires having the actual score. So thanks for attaching it.
Anyhow, I can see now what is happening. Right click measure 5, go to Measure Properties - you will see that it has been set to "Always show" measure numbers. Set it back to the default of "Automatic" and all is well. I guess when this score was created, you (or whomever created it) chose to create these measure numbers manually in this way. FWIW, a much neasier way to get this effect is to use Rehearsal Marks. These come in boxes automatically, and you can use Edit / Tools / Resequence Rehearsal Marks to keep the numbering in sync with the measure numbers as long as you make sure the *first* one is correct.
In reply to Screenshots generally are by Marc Sabatella
Oh duh...thanks Marc, and for the extra tip too! BTW I'm not sure but think you are one of the lead developers of MS, and I'd like you take this opportunity to thank you and the other developers for your incredible altruism in offering MS to the world, and for your genius in creating it.