Problems opening some scores downloaded from
I am running MuseScore version 1.3 revision 5702 on Windows Vista Home with Service Pack 2 and I cannot open any of the scores from OpenGoldberg - for example - when I try to open it I get the following error:
"Cannot read this score: Your version of MuseScore is too old. Upgrade now!"
... but as far a I can tell I am running the latest version - if I do Help->Check for Update it says "No Update Available"..
Other scores that I have downloaded from work fine - for example - but none of the scores from OpenGoldberg seem to work.
Any ideas?
was saved with MSS 1.1.0.
The first opens with Nightly.
If you read the comments to that score, esp. the last one, you know why...
Hey Michael,
The Open Goldberg Variations score was made with the development snapshot of MuseScore, i.e. the nightly build. Basically it wasn't possible to typeset the OGV score in MuseScore 1.x and it helped to push the development forward.
To open the score, download the nightly build via the download page. It will nicely install next to your current MuseScore 1.x installation.