How to make 4 measures per line??? Newbie frustration :(

• Jul 4, 2017 - 12:24

Maybe I'm doing something terribly wrong, but every time I try to make a new basic 1 page 4/4 score with 32 measures, the measures all end up on two lines. And they are super small and not easy to work with. Unless I choose "My first score", which is how I'd like it to turn out.
Could anybody please explain how to make a new score that'll turn out like "my first score"


When trying to put a set number of measures on a line, keep in mind that measures get wider the more notes there are in them. If you have a simple piece with the occasional 16th note, you might be able to force 4 measures per line, but once you put a certain number of notes in the measure, it will grow to the point that it will not accommodate 3 additional measures on the line. Other things that affect the width of the measure are accidentals, time changes and so forth. You can attempt to shrink a slightly wide measure by selecting all the measures on the line and pressing { several times to see if that makes them narrow enough.

In Musescore 1, you were able to set how many measures on a line that you wanted. However, Musescore 2 doesn't seem to have this feature. :(

In reply to by Vinyl_Record

To be clear: MuseScore 1 did *not* have any feature that forced a given number of mueasres per system. It only allowed you to specify a *maximum*. So if you specified four measures, you wouldn't get *more* than four, but you might still get only two or three on some systems if they were too full to fit four. The new "add/Remove Line Breaks" facility is just a much more flexible way to achieve the exact same result. It also won't force *more* measures to fit then the number you state, but will make sure you don't get *more* than that. It's much more flexible, though, in that it doesn't force you to do this on an all-or-nothing basis. So if you want the first system to have more measures to account for the pickup, or a system with voltas to have more measures, or to force one system to have fewer so the next rehearsal letter starts on a new line, etc, you can do this easily.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I believe it is the other way round, MuseScore 1 could be told to force an exact number of measures into a system (with pretty bad consequences for the layout if those don't fit, this was the reason to remove that setting), MuseScore 2 sets a max. number of measures with the added system breaks. MuseScore 1 had that too, as a plugin, but MuseScore 2 has this built in.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

No, the old 1x setting to specify number of measures per line did *not* force more measures to fit than actually allowed by your current settings. Only reducing stretch could do that. I just tried again with a portable version to verify this.

I think you may be thinking of the "Fix measure width" option which was indeed removed in part on account of the issue you mention.

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