General impression on the new WEB site

• Aug 3, 2017 - 08:57

The current WEB site looks (sorry I will say it in French):
Aéré, clair, léger, reposant, lumineux, unique.
(google translate: Airy, clear, light, restful, bright, unique).
On this site one feels like "at home" at MuseScore.

On the other hand, the new WEB site seems a lot like all other web sites, not bad but "one more" and no more "Hey, relax you are at MuseScore here".

I know this is completely subjective.


This is a very normal reaction, and one I encounter myself as well, even while developing the new site. So I can sympathise with it.

Yet, when I visit the current site on my mobile phone "airy, clear, light, restful, bright, unique" are not the adjectives which come to my mind. Instead it's "outdated, hard to read, painful navigation experience" and more.

So rebuilding a new home from the ground up is a necessary process to do in order to make it work for the next decade. First we do the construction (this is still the phase we are in for the moment), and then we do the interior (we are starting to work on this as we speak). It's the interior which will eventually make it feel home.

You are very welcome to advice on how to do the interior. After all, you and all other community members are part of this home. So I'm listening to you all.

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