Change standard rests in piece

• Apr 17, 2018 - 17:35

I've created a new piece, and usually MuseScore fills every measure up with rests. I now wanna change the normal rests to quarter rests, so that every measure contains four quarter rests.
It would make writing this piece easier due to the way I need to place the notes.

Is this possible?


You can make a measure all 1/4 rests by continually selecting anything larger than a 1/4 rest and pressing 5. You can then select the measure and press R repeatedly to fill several measures with 1/4 rests. After several measures are filled, select them and use copy and paste (or just press R after the selection is made). If you need more than one staff filled with rests, you can select and entire staff (select first rest or measure and press ctrl+shift+end) and copy it to each of the other staves.

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