Musescore 2 Problem

• Apr 18, 2018 - 20:30

So, two things. One, i have a MIDI keyboard plugged in, the note input mode is on, and the MIDI button is pushed, but it is not registering. also, i need to use the MIDI device, because i have to write several notes, but when i go deep enough to enter the note, it goes onto the instrument below. pls halp!!!


when i go deep enough to enter the note, it goes onto the instrument below happens on mouse input, right? Use (computer) keyboard input instead

Indeed, MIDI is never necessary. Either use the computer keyboard to enter the notes (type A to get A, etc), or enter in a different octave then use Ctrl+Up/Down to change octaves.

As for the MIDI issue, be sure to have the keyboard connected and turned on before starting MuseScore. Also check Edit / Preferences / I/O to be sure your device is selected.

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