.mscz, file won't open!

• Apr 30, 2018 - 23:53

About a week ago, I downloaded a file from here and spent a while editing it. When I came back today to print it out, it wasn't in the start center. After a bit of digging, I found a version saved as a MSCZ file, but I am unable to open it. When I try to open it in Musescore, it says it is an unknown type, and can not read the file. I am unable to rename it as a compressed MuseScore file, and I am sure there are no other versions on my computer. I know other threads have been posted on this topic, but none of them have been any help.
Any advice?

Attachment Size
.A_Quai_-_Yann_Tiersen.mscz, 39.54 KB


In reply to by Krazy Kat

You wrote:
I can change the actual name, but that doesn't change the file type.

To be clear:
If you are unable to see the file extension, you can not rename the whole string (file name + file type).
Here you see 4 file names:
The four files named above open in different programs. Guess which one opens in MuseScore?

That's why it's best to always show extensions:
This one is a document which opens in a pdf reader (e.g. Adobe Acrobat)

This is an audio file which opens in a player (e.g. Windows Media Player)

This one is a MuseScore notation which opens in MuseScore

This one is the MuseScore backup file (which has to be renamed to open in MuseScore).


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