extra high stems

• May 3, 2018 - 12:27

Can anybody please advise if it is possible to shorten the stems of the drum staff in my score?
MuseScore 2.0.0 Revision 6e47f74
Windows XP Professional

Thanks in advance


(First comment deleted)
It's due to the line distance (2.00 instead of the default 1.00) in Staff Properties (Drums staff)
After returning to the default value: 1 The Beat Goes on.mscz

EDIT: don't know/recall right now if with this 2.00 line distance, it's considered as a bug (not sure)

But if you want keep the 2.00 line distance, without these extra length stems, do in drums staff: right-click on a beam -> all similar elements in same staff -> In Inspector: tick "User position" and change the value of the two boxes (eg here: - 0,60 and - 0,65)
See: 2 The Beat Goes on-2.mscz

EDIT+: but the position of the notes is not "correct": therefore, I leave to the drummers, or people more initiated on this part, the care to comment further :)

In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you, I don't remember doing anything to the line distance but I'll have a look at it. I am aware that the notes are not "correct". The part uses two snare drums and I wanted to be able to differentiate between them. When I imported the MIDI they were both on the same line.

Thanks for your help.

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