Early music/modern scoring

• Jun 15, 2018 - 10:07

Here are the steps I have taken to produce a score.

I created a pipe organ score.
I want the score to be unmeasured as for early music or modern type notation.
The score is measured in 4/4 time.
To alter it, according to the on-line manual I clicked on the drop down menu "style"-
Then click on "General"
Checked the box that says "Display note values across measure boundaries"
Then, click "Ok or Apply". On this last step nothing changes.

Thanks for your help.



Do you have notes that would cross measure boundaries?
Enter e.g. a double whole note and see that now it does not get split into 2 whole notes, but a double whole note appears in one measure and the next measure is just empty, not even a rest

I suspect you are misunderstanding the purpsoe of that option. It is not to get of barlines; it is to keep the barlines but allow notes that would otherwise be tied across the barline to instead be notated using the full duration in the first measure even though that makes the measure too long.

If the goal is to eliminate barlines, select the measures you want to combine and use Edit / Measure / Join Selected Measure. Generally you would do this one system at a time, because MsueScore still needs to keep a complete measure on each line.

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