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• Dec 8, 2018 - 19:33

How do you control when you want the stave to begin a new line? Alternatively, how to specify how many measures per line?


In reply to by Shoichi

sigh...Your editing system is the **most frustrating, poorly designed* of any modern software Ive seen in a long time! Now I can't even find a way to remove a 'blank' measure in the middle of my score! Selecting and deleting does nothing? See the attached-it's the 4th measure

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In reply to by nydenizen

Any sufficiently complex software will be frustrating until you takle the time to learn it.

To add a line break, hit Enter, just as with most other programs. You can do it while entering notes or afterwards after selecting a measure or barline. Not sure what you might have found more intuitive than that, but we're open to input!

"Delete" removes the content of a measure. Ctrl+Delete removes the measure itself, or use Edit / Measure / Delete Selected Measures (which would also inform you of the shortcut, just as any well-defined software would :-)

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