Drums Notes
i'm looking for a software that will transcribe midi drums notes simultaneously while playing an electrical drum kit. or maybe a software that would get a midi file recorded on electric drum kit, and transcribe it to notes.
does MUSESCORE do any of that?
If you have a MIDI file, MuseScore will certainly import it and give you dots and the staff. Chances are extremely low that it will actually be readable, and not all that good that it will be easier to correct the results to be readable than it is to simply enter the music from scratch. And that applies to pretty much any notation program - drum notation is highly specialized, and producing readable notation will almost always require human expertise, and it's often easier apply this by entering the note manually. That said, MuseScrwe will make this job about as easy as any other program, and produce results that look at least good, and will cost less (ie, nothing) than any other program capable of doing as well. Which is to say, you can spend more, but you're unlikely to get closer to the goal of magic auto-transcription.
In reply to If you have a MIDI file,… by Marc Sabatella
thanks marc