Program won’t let me save changes
So when I open up musescore, the title that I’ve saved for a piece is changed to something all weird like “scBrtrl” or something that I didn’t save for the title. One of the problems is I don’t know how to change it back. The other problem is that I can’t save changes to the score. One of my transcriptions, “both of us”, I need to change a D# to a C#, but it won’t let me do that. I can change it on its own, but it won’t let me save the changes to the public.
I have the second newest version of musescore, and I’m using windows.
Looks like you're opening a back-up/recovered copy of the file
Can you attach here the score you are having problems with?
In reply to Looks like you're opening a… by Shoichi
Here's the score I'm having trouble with: Both_of_Us.mscz
I'm not sure if it might come up for you, but the title of the file is scwqsSoN on my computer and the program won't let me save changes I made for the D#s to be C# (these are the very last two notes on the score).
In reply to Here's the score I'm having… by ketchupwithlettuce
I messed with your D#...
Try downloading, copying to the desktop and then "Save as... to see if anything changes
In reply to Here's the score I'm having… by ketchupwithlettuce
That filename indicates that you're working in an autosave file, after a crash
In reply to Here's the score I'm having… by ketchupwithlettuce
What do you mean when you say it "won't let" you save changes? Are you pressing the save button and an error message appears? What does the error say?
If you just mean, you press save then go to open it and don't see your changes, then almost certainly you are simply opening a different file from the one you are saving. Be sure when you open the score you don't just rely on "Recent Files" to choose a version for you. Use File / Open and navigate to the specific folder where you saved it, and open the specific filename you saved.
To be clear, though, the title didn't change, only the filename. As mentioned, that probably means this was a crash recovery. So just use Save As and save the file to the name (and location - check the folder!) of your choice.
Regarding not being able to change a note, not sure what you mean - what specifically are you doing, what are you expecting to see happen, and what happens to make you think it didn't work?