Free sheet music sharing

• Sep 4, 2020 - 14:59

Can anyone tell me what has happened to the free sheet music sharing facility that Musescore used to operate? It seems to have disappeared. A Google search takes me to the necessary page, but it seems to be taken over by a 'Back to School' site that wants to charge about £30 a year for the privilege. How does one now get free sheet music from other Musescore users - or is that no longer possible?


You can still download Public Domains and Orignal Works score from (if the uploaded didn't disable the download), but no longer any works that violates foreign copyrights, for those you need to be a paying Pro member.
However, this is nothing to discuss here in

In reply to by roymathers1

If those uploads concern copyrighted material, then they are not free. (and haven't been for over a year now)
If those uploads concern original work, then the uploader gets to decide whether they are for free or not.
If those uploads concern public domain work, then they are free when correctly labeled.

On the upside though, they are now legal and the site wasn't shut down because of it..
See for the announcement post and numerous explanatory comments from when this was enforced.

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