time signature and repeat
I am trying to put a meter change and a repeat in the same measure. However, Musescore keeps putting the meter to the left of the barline (with the repeat, please see the attached).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Attachment | Size |
In_Memoriam.mscz | 26.87 KB |
#35076: Cautionary key/time signature before repeat barline if start repeat is in different key/time or https://musescore.org/en/node/309627?
This is correct. The time signature changes once, not twice - at the point when you take the repeat, you're already in 3/4. So it would be improper to imply to the reader that the time signature is changing a second time.
Now, in the special cases where there is a second time signature within the repeated section, then it becomes proper to indicate the time change again, but the better place to do that is usually before the end repeat, not after the start. And this isn't directly supported either. So in those cases, you do need to manually adjust things.