That does it - I am very disappointed. Several bugs

• Oct 15, 2021 - 23:14

I report a critical bug. When using copy-paste of a group of triplets or sometimes other notes, the computer playback often plays wrong notes that don't correspond to what is shown in scores. I thought that everyone has reported that bug but it lasts forever. What is wrong with you guys? I am about to find another software allowing me just to notate and listen to scores. What is more I use standard instruments and systems - mostly piano and violin. Also, the bug occurs when using octave conveyors and I am really angry having to scroll the pages instead of instantly typying a number of a page or just viewing page by page which would be much faster. Please do something


This is your very first post on our forums and your account is less than 30mins old; so please refer us to the "critical bug report" you've made. Make sure to include an example score file (mscz) and steps to reproduce.

Copy-paste has not changed the notes into "wrong" ones in over a dozen years to my knowledge; so if you found a bug in that it would be considered pretty severe indeed.

I don't really get the frustration about scrolling pages as well; but you can just view page by page by setting the zoom level to "full page" and using page up/down keys on your keyboard. And you can just "type a number of a page" if you put the letter "p" in front of it in the Find window:

As noted, bugs have indeeded been reported in copy/paste of tuplets over the years, but to our knowledge all such reported bugs have been fixed long ago. So if you're still seeing some rare unusual special case where such a bug remains, please be sure to report it so we can fix it as well. As mentioned, we need the score demonstrating the problem and the steps to reproduce the problem. Then we can begin investigating.

I'm not quite understanding your comment about scrolling - the mouse scroll wheel is normally quite efficient for navigation. But if you have an especially large score and you know exactly which page you want to jump to, Ctrl+F will take you there. And to view page by page, the Page Up/Down keys on your computer work in MsueScore the same as any other program (usually Fn+Up/Down if your keyboard lacks physical keys for this). And many MuseScore provides other navigation facilities besides, such as the timeline, navigator, etc.

So don't be afraid to ask questions - most likely the things you are having trouble with have very simple solutions and we're happy to help show you them!

I have been using musescore for the scores of our choir for many years and find there is no better free software for this purpose (notate and listen to scores).
I admire the patience of the specialists Jetee and Marc. I would have answered you simply, first read the basics in the handbook before you write such an unqualified post.

I just downloaded this new version.... I agree its very buggy. Download an old version 3.0.1... Its very stable and usable!

In reply to by LStuart

Indeed, by any possible objective measure, 3.6.2 must be literally 100 times more stable, and has thousands fewer bugs, than 3.0.1. If you believe you have encountered a specific issue with 3.6.2 - and no doubt, it like any other piece of significant software does have some bugs - please start a new thread and dewscrieb the problem you are having in more detail, with a sample score and steps to reproduce the problem. Then we can investigate and either fix the issue if it turns out to be a bug or explain the misunderstanding if it turns out not to be. but definitely installing a version known to be much much much buggier and less stable would be a n enormous and very dangerous mistake, Some of the known bugs in those older versions will cause you to lose work, for instance.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,
I have been using version 3.0.1 since it was released. I have composed several compositions with this version with only encountering 1 issue. This morning one of my students installed 3.6.2 on her machine and she encountered a bug right away... when trying to add notes to a measure of 4/4 the software would not replace a half note rest... the half note rest persisted and she ended up with over 4 counts in the measure. deleting the measure did not resolve this issue. She was modifying a score that was originally created in version 3.0.1 but I'm not sure that was what was causing the bug.

In reply to by LStuart

Indeed, it sounds like your student simply was in a voice other than 1, or had accidentally switched to Insert mode. If you or she attaches the score, we can probably guess which. But no, there is no bug in 3.6.2 that causes this to happen unless the user explicitly gives the commands to switch voices or input modes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Until now I have not used a version later than 3.0.1... So assuming that the UI is the same, what used to be used for Note Input was the "N" icon which in 3.6.2 is now a "note symbol" icon, All we did was open the score and clicked on the "note symbol" icon to input a new note into a measure. We actually clicked on a half note rest in a measure that had two half note rests. and instead of replacing the half note rest with the new note, the half note rest persisted and we ended up with 6 counts in a 4/4 measure. Breshaun's_Song.mscz

In reply to by LStuart

UI is the same except for the new menu items and other controls added in support of the new features - quite a few over the past three years!

The default note input icon is still the letter N. If you're seeing a note symbol instead, that definitely confirms that you - or she - switched to to the special "insert" mode. This existed in 3.0.1 as far as I know as well, but maybe you just never tried it? Wouldn't normally be a reason to, it's only intended for the special cases where you do in fact want more beats in the measure than the time signature says.

To return to standard step-time note input mode, just click the little arrow next to the note input icon and select it there. This process hasn't changed either that I can recall. Whichever note input mode you elect swill remain the default when you click the button or press the "N" key, you don't need to do this again unless she deliberately switches to insert mode again for whatever reason.

In reply to by LStuart

Some of my favorites include:

  • ability to move elements directly even when automatic placement would have otherwise prevented it
  • single note dynamics (crescendo on a whole note, for example)
  • Roman numeral analysis
  • chord symbol playback
  • easy entry of fingering (pressing Space to move to next note)
  • much better control of mid-score instrument or staff type changes
  • easy palette customization
  • paste half/double duration
  • expanded options for selecting lists of similar elements, including click / shift+click
  • parts from multiple voices
  • accessibility for blind users
  • new notation fonts
  • vertical staff justification and other engraving improvements

That's just off the top of my head. The list of bugs fixed since 2019 that I won't miss is too long to even contemplate!

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