Is there a list or the source of OSC messages for MS v3.6.2?
Is there an up-to-date list of the possible OSC messages in MS v3.6.2?
Or can someone me point to the source modules where OSC messages are handled?
A few year ago I made a message list from the sources of v2.3, but I cannot find the same modules (osc.cpp, shortcut.cpp) anymore in githhub, and searching for "osc" results in hits in only preferences modules.
Search those files on GitHub in the 3.6.2 or 3.x branch, the master branch has changed a lot (and will become MuseScore 4)
In reply to Search those files on GitHub… by Jojo-Schmitz
no changes in the top-level OSC commands, several new ones under /actions matching additions to MS.
in osc.cpp, function initOsc() sets up signals/slots for the stave-related messages for staves 1..12 : /vol1../vol12, /pan1../pan12, /mute1../mute12 ? Here 12 is a hard coded value.
Further on, in e.g. processing function oscVolChannel(), the channel parameter is maximised to the midi map size ( mms.size() ) . Does this limit the incoming osc messages to the first 12 channels?