Create your own breath mark
in the palette "Breath marks & caesuras" there are breath marks, but I don't like them. I would like to have a small vertical stroke on the top note line.
I made this example with a simple line from the Lines palette.
Can I save this to the palette for later use, or do I need to do something completely different to create the line?
Greetings, Pentatonus
You can add element topalette
But it looses custom positioning, so You need to adjust position every time.
In reply to You can add element… by sammik
I found better way.
Select barline, add Stacatissimo from Articulations Palette,adjust position (x -1,y 1) and than add it to breathes palette (Ctrl + Shift + drag).
This way, it also remembers position, so next time you needit, just select barline and click this customised "stacattissimo" from palette.
In reply to I found better way. Select… by sammik
Quiet good! But sometimes i need this breathmark between two notes, then it flips too high or too low.
In reply to Quiet good! But sometimes i… by [DELETED] 1307581
Its position is relative to its parrent. And different notes have different positions.
So in this case (between notes), you need to adjust it one by one.
May be someone will find something better.
Maybe you can settle for this one?
It is found in the Breaths & Caesuras palettes under More
In reply to Maybe you can settle for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Sorry, no, as i said: i don't like them all ...
In reply to Sorry, no, as i said: i don… by [DELETED] 1307581
Sure, you can use whatever mark you want. But will musicians and MuseScore know what to do with it.
In reply to Sure, you can use whatever… by bobjp
For me, it doesn't matter if MuseScore detects it. I don't use MuseScore for playback. And yes, musicians (at least here in Germany) recognize what they have to do.
Is there a particular publisher you know of that uses this? As a musician reading this score, I don't think I'd understand you intended that to be a breath at all. Looks more like a "tick" partial barline.
But anyhow, that gives you a workaround for the mid-measure breaths - just add a tick partial barline.
In reply to Is there a particular… by Marc Sabatella
For example "Verlag Strube" here in Germany.
Thanks,i'll try the workaround with the partial barline.
In reply to Is there a particular… by Marc Sabatella
It's not so much "a particular publisher", but rather "many publishers". And, especially, the songbook of the Lutheran Churches in Austria, Germany, and Alsace-Lorraine - the EG = Evangelisches Gesangbuch - uses it throughout - see the image below from a random page where I opened it.
In reply to Is there a particular… by Marc Sabatella
"But anyhow, that gives you a workaround for the mid-measure breaths - just add a tick partial barline." But how about the (much more common) end-measure breaths? - see my example, and the one in the thread-starting posting? I tried it - but the tick-barline replaces the normal barline.
In reply to "But anyhow, that gives you… by hmmueller
In reply to… by sammik
Ah - I did not see this in the long thread! - Thanks.
One correction, however: The Y must be set to 1.08sp, otherwise it is not symmetrical on the 5th line, as it should be.
Maybe SMuFL's
fits the bill? Available since SMuFL 1.4 apparently (and so not available in MuseScore 3.6.2, but should be in the master palettes of the master branch and my v3.7 from PR #9000)See… at the bottom right
I'll PR its addition to the master branch (see, can't really show a screenshot as the image feature in master is current not functional, but it looks almost exactly as you want it (it is twice as long, 2sp, straddling the top staff line, at least in Bravura, which is also used by the other fonts as a fallback)
In reply to Maybe SMuFL's… by Jojo-Schmitz
Here how it might look in master and 3.7:
(I'll add it to PR #9000, image actually taken from a build based on that)
In reply to Here how it might look in 3… by Jojo-Schmitz
Lo and behold - that's, at least optically, not at all what we want, is it? This is twice as long as what's in the EG, in Strube's scores, and in the first posting (and it also looks quite thick).
Is this really what the designers of this dash intended?? - then I would ask the standard question: Which publisher(s) actually use(s) this (as a breath mark/caesura)??
In reply to Lo and behold - that's, at… by hmmueller
It is what Bravura made out if it. Leland could easily provide a smaller version of it. Just need to convince Martin Keary and Simon Smith ;-)
Or, for Bravura, try to convince Daniel Spreadbury
In reply to It is what Bravura made out… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah - forgive this layman that I took it as gospel and without the necessary "grain of salt" (see "It Ain't Necessarily So").
In reply to Lo and behold - that's, at… by hmmueller
It is the closest thing available which is in the proper and related part of SMuFL
In reply to Lo and behold - that's, at… by hmmueller
BTW: it got added to SMuFL via, there the example (PDF) does show this 2sp long vertical straight line
In reply to BTW: it got added to SMuFL… by Jojo-Schmitz
By gosh - do you see what happened there??! All the examples in the complete PDF are of a shorter version, which does not ever touch the fourth line - Bosse, Strube, Bärenreiter! ... ...
... ... with the only exception being the dash in Schütz's m.7 soprano line, from a badly scanned and dirty score. And so someone took exactly this incarnation and made it the template for all times henceforth??!
Well ...
In reply to By gosh - do you see what… by hmmueller
Oops, yes, you're prefectly right, I looked only at the 1st page
In reply to By gosh - do you see what… by hmmueller
@hmmueller... you wrote:
By gosh - do you see what happened there??!
Yes, so for clarity and by comparison:
Welcome aboard... :-)
In reply to @hmmueller... you wrote: By… by Jm6stringer
Thx! :-)
Thanks for all the suggestions and thinking along. I will now take the ArticStaccatissimoStrokeAbove from the Master Palette under Symbols. I have to move them manually (or via the Inspecteur) to where they should be (turn off automatic placement), but at least they look like I imagine ;-)
In reply to Thanks for all the… by [DELETED] 1307581
You could also create your own using Image Capture and the tick barline, first making the stave lines invisible and saving as SVG: see Then you can drag it to a custom palette for future use. I think you can save the positioning, too.
Here is one I made earlier ;)
In reply to You could also create your… by Brer Fox
Thanks, that's also a very good idea. Some adjustment in positioning here too.
I assume it isn't exactly this you're looking for, just for information the difference of the appearance of the breath mark with Emmentaler: