2 notes at same place

• Oct 20, 2022 - 19:32

I don't succeed to put these 2 notes at same spot, like on the sheet you can (look yellow fluo on original partition and the one i'm trying to copy on MS)

Usually i simply click on the numbers "1-2-3-4" to do the trick but it doesn't work anymore when i add the dot at the note.

Do you guys know the answer to this problem ? I'm losing so much time on this, that's insane ahah.

Thank you and have a good evening.

PS : you'll see in original partition, strange notes in measure 8 (around first yellow), there is a mistake in the sheet for right hand ? It comes from a book, so i'd be surprised, i'm a novice, perhaps i don't understand something.

Attachment Size
question 52.PNG 371.76 KB
musescore problem.PNG 17.23 KB


Dotted notes normally should not share notehead with the undotted notes, but some editors do choose to do this to save space in cases where the meaning is clear. To make that happen in MuseScore, you make one or the other noteheads invisible (press "V").

And yes, looks like an error in the original sheet music.

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