Possible arpeggio playback bug?

• Dec 17, 2022 - 23:21

Hello everyone,
I am brand new to MS4, so keep that in mind :). I had entered in a chord in a grand staff, hit R which repeated the chord. I then attempted to add an arpeggio to the first chord, so I selected it and clicked on the arpeggio line, so far so good. It looks correct, however when I play the score, the playback engine arpeggiates both chords, even though there is only one arpeggio line visible. It is entirely possible I am doing something incorrectly, but I thought I would share. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks!


I've been having the same problem. Sometimes where there is a chord with an arpeggio, the next chord also becomes arpeggiated in playback. I have not been able to figure out why this only happens to some chords and not others, and I have not been able to get rid of the extra arpeggios.

Same here, I just can't imagine how ridiculous this is, looks like the first arpeggio symbol that you add affect the same chords right after the that.
Screenshot 2023-10-11 111427.png

In reply to by GhostFairy

Yes, this issue is still happening, and there's another related issue which I wanted to see if anyone in this thread also recognizes...If there are notes following an arpeggio, then any of the notes that aren't the lowest in the arpeggio's chord are played with a slight delay in tempo. I noticed that this problem only occurs with Muse Sounds and this problem doesn't happen with the MuseScore Basic sounds.

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