Musescore 4.0.1 does not preserve layout

• Jan 18, 2023 - 20:41

I am editing a score and tweaking how tightly some measures are spaced (using Shift-[ or Shift-]) to make it more readable. When I save and reload, those tweaks are lost.

Attached is a score I am editing in which bars 1-10 should be on 4 lines. When I reload, 5 lines are now used. I reapply my tweak which is to tighten up bars 6-7 with one application of Shift-[. I find this easier to read. If I save and reload, I am back to my starting state.

Is there some "smart formatting on load" feature that needs to be turned off to make this stick or is it not saving out correctly in the first place?

Attachment Size
Fantasia 1 (Alto).mscz 71.19 KB


I don't know.
I selected measure 7 and hit SHIFT+[. That made four lines. Saved the file. Went to the saved location double clicked it to open. Changes were saved. I didn't try Open Recent, however.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks, let me try exactly what you did .....

So my sequence is
- start with the file such that the first section is five lines

Then do the following
- compress bar 7 (verify that section goes from 5 to 4 lines)
- File > Save
- Close application with "X"
- Go to location in Win11 File Explorer and double-click file
- Double-click on "MuseScore" in the dialog that comes up to confirm which app to use
- Look at result in window.
- repeat exact same steps.

I am getting inconsistent results. For the first few times (not deterministic), the change does not stick. After a few identical cycles the change does stick. Once this happens I have not seen it revert back to 5 lines on subsequent reloads.

I gather from this that I am not seeing a "reformat on load" behavior which is a great relief. What this seems to be, then, is either an inconsistent save-failure or perhaps a reformat action performed on save.

As a variant, I tried File > Save Copy... and opened that newly created version. That does not change the behavior ... so it is perhaps not failing to perform a save, just randomly failing to save correctly. I am not even sure how to code that if I wanted the behavior :-)

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