Empty Scores on iOS App

• Mar 5, 2023 - 00:19

uploaded score created by MuseScore 4, version info:

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.1-230121751, revision: 9b70a8c

It shows on musescore.com from web browser on all platform (Windows desktop PC / iPhone iOS / iPad), but the mobile APP (neither iPhone app nor iPad app) can only show blank white page. I have tried
- reinstall the mobile app on both iPhone and iPad
- re-upload the score from PC desktop musescore 4 program

No sure if it s the bug in mobile app's code or in the desktop musescore 4 program.

Really frustrated.


same here! Looking forward to see this solved asap!
.mscz files are generated by MuseScore 4.01, while on my mobile I have IOS 16.3.1. To my knowledge all the latest versions. For me this makes the mobile app useless, and see no further need to renew my pro-membership. if you want to keep me (and others) as your customer: please resolve this promptly.

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