Empty Scores on iOS App
uploaded score created by MuseScore 4, version info:
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.1-230121751, revision: 9b70a8c
It shows on musescore.com from web browser on all platform (Windows desktop PC / iPhone iOS / iPad), but the mobile APP (neither iPhone app nor iPad app) can only show blank white page. I have tried
- reinstall the mobile app on both iPhone and iPad
- re-upload the score from PC desktop musescore 4 program
No sure if it s the bug in mobile app's code or in the desktop musescore 4 program.
Really frustrated.
It is the former. And as such not to be discussed here, but over on musescore.com, like in https://musescore.com/groups/musescore-ios
musescore.COM has a topic about this issue, but there isn't any bug fix or patch. And as I mentioned, as users, we can't narrow down the issue on which side, MS4 or just iOS app or even both. shouldn't MS4 consider backwards compatibility? Shouldn't mobile app add new features to process MS4 format of files? I'm wondering.
same here! Looking forward to see this solved asap!
.mscz files are generated by MuseScore 4.01, while on my mobile I have IOS 16.3.1. To my knowledge all the latest versions. For me this makes the mobile app useless, and see no further need to renew my pro-membership. if you want to keep me (and others) as your customer: please resolve this promptly.