MS4.2 issues

• Dec 20, 2023 - 14:00

1) The microtonal notes were already working with violin 1 and MS 4.1.1 at least in December before the update to MS 4.2. For some reason the sound like before with MS 4.0. Muse Strings seem to be the same version 0.4.11. Mixer was updated to 0.5. I read that they were about to be START working with this update. Any boxes to tick somewhere in the set-up or what?
SOLVED: My microtonals were made with additional tuning omitting the accidentals. Now they work also so I got a double efffect. Removing the tuning I got them back if the accidentals were correct.

2) Violin 1 got quite impossible on some few places but this is nothing new. This time it added some very short grace notes (or rather sounding like it) where violin 2 has no problems. So some more notes moved for it. I have not given up violin 1, yet.

3) There was also a new problem at the end of section 2 where all notes played to the end got stuck playing through the section break time until new notes were started from section 3. I had to add an empty bar at the end. Or actually I had to cut the last bar, add a new empty bar and then copy notes to this bar. Trying to remove the last bar removed also the section break.

4) When playing Muse Strings and MS Basic CB within the application there was a synchronization problem before. It has dissapeared now! But when I tried to make a mp3 the result was even worse than before, if possible. Maybe this will follow once 'play' is working. Progress, I guess.

5) I was expecting the glissando using portamento to function better but not so. Even my backup earlier in December, using chromatic method that created some audible clues what was the intention, has gotten worse. For one place I changed the glissando just as test and made approximation of the chromatic notes myself. Already much better. I add this as some kind of spoon-feed example.

Attachment Size
gliss_test.mscz 31.16 KB


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