Musescore 4.3 does not let me input drum Notes

• May 17, 2024 - 20:47

Maybe it has something to do with that below?
I checked for QtQuick Controls2, it is present on the system.
As a drummer MS4 got useless for me sadly.

me@myLinuxPC:~> mscore
qt.qpa.qgnomeplatform.theme: The desktop style for QtQuick Controls 2 applications is not available on the system (qqc2-desktop-style). The application may look broken.
21:39:13.207 | INFO  | main_thread     | GlobalModule::onPreInit | log path: /home/me/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/MuseScore_240517_213913.log
21:39:13.207 | INFO  | main_thread     | GlobalModule::onPreInit | === Started MuseScore 4.3.0, build number  ===
21:39:13.208 | INFO  | main_thread     | LanguagesService::effectiveLanguageCode | System language code: "en-GB" 
21:39:13.209 | INFO  | main_thread     | IpcSocket::connect | success connected to ipc server
21:39:13.293 | WARN  | main_thread     | DiagnosticsModule::onInit | crash handling disabled
21:39:13.365 | ERROR | main_thread     | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: /home/me/.local/share/MuseSampler/lib/
21:39:13.365 | ERROR | main_thread     | MuseSamplerResolver::checkLibrary | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring
21:39:13.365 | ERROR | main_thread     | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path:
21:39:13.365 | ERROR | main_thread     | MuseSamplerResolver::checkLibrary | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring
21:39:13.514 | WARN  | main_thread     | AbstractCloudService::readTokens | Could not find the tokens file: /home/me/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/audiocom_cred.dat
21:39:14.404 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.404 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.405 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.405 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.406 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.406 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.408 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.408 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.409 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.409 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.410 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.410 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.411 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.411 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.412 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.412 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.413 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"

21:39:14.413 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:179:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"
21:39:14.540 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.540 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.543 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.544 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.544 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.544 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.551 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.551 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.553 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.553 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.553 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.554 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.674 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.674 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.676 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.676 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.676 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.676 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.682 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.682 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.684 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.684 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.684 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.684 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.833 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.833 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.835 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.836 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.836 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.836 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.841 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.841 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:413:17: QML ToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.843 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.843 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.843 | ERROR | main_thread     | App::run        | error: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"

21:39:14.843 | WARN  | main_thread     | Qt              | file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:309:21: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
21:39:14.945 | WARN  | main_thread     | AbstractMenuModel::makeMenuItem | not found action: notenames
21:39:15.152 | ERROR | main_thread     | ScoreThumbnailLoader::loadThumbnail | Could not load thumbnail for "/home/me/Music/Violin/21a5f5d5.mid" : [21] [21] 


What exactly means "Musescore 4.3 does not let me input drum Notes"?

What You did and what happened (didnt happen)?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

[....] 3,Use one of the following methods:
Click on an instrument in the DIP; select the desired note duration, then, click on the staff at the desired location. Select a note duration, then double-click the desired instrument in the DIP. The note is entered at the cursor position.
Note: Any existing notes in that voice are overwritten.
[...] Note is not entered

In reply to by HildeK

No, that didnt help, but what helped was that I can enter Notes pressing A
HorAAy, also notes are entered using the virtual keyboard, but not al all with the mouse, which I am used to.
So I have to learn the shortcut keys I guess, thanks to all, that is good for now.

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