Beam direction in large intervals
I'm transcribing a Baroque composer's manuscripts from scans, so looking at his handwriting. It appears to be a standard practice in the period that when a run of beamed notes includes a large interval jump, one or more of the note stems go in the opposite direction. The result is a little twisty, but it fills the space efficiently. Looking at how Musescore, and I would guess any other app scribes it out, all notes attach to the beam one way, leaving a giraffe-like group of notes.
Is there a style rule in contemporary scribing that opposes placing stems opposite ways? There might be complications to establishing a "properties" set for when to apply opposing stems, but is it something that is under consideration for Musescore?
Composer's sample attached. Both images from same measure.
- R
Attachment | Size |
Opposing_stems_250213.png | 70.48 KB |
Giraffe_notes_250213.png | 4.79 KB |
You can manually fix that beam in MuseScore to look like the original
In reply to You can manually fix that… by Jojo-Schmitz
I tried selecting the first stem, the one I want to go up, and pressed X. It reversed all the notes in the group. Same when I used the up/down buttons on the Properties dialog for just that stem. Is there another step to it to isolate just the note I want to reverse?
In reply to I tried selecting the first… by Hitchcock1939
You'd need to change the beam, not the stems
Double click it, grab the left-most handle, drag down
In reply to You'd need to change the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Got it! Thanks!
In reply to You can manually fix that… by Jojo-Schmitz
I also tried setting the first note separate from the other three, reversing it, and re-joining it. All the note resumed the same orientation.