Unable to access my score.

• Mar 23, 2025 - 03:19

I uploaded my score the cloud and then the app shut down. I tried opening my score again, and it didn't want to open. It said your score could not be opened this score is invalid. Please help me I'm just trying to get my score back.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2025-03-22 221817.png 95.8 KB


If you are on Windows try the following locations to find a backup copy, even with cryptical names:


1. Press ⊞ Win + R
2. Copy/Paste: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\cloud_scores
3. Press Enter
4. Look there for a file that might be called not_uploaded.mscz or something similar.
5. If you find something interesting, copy that file to another location and open from that new location

1. Shift + Command (⌘) + G
2. Copy/Paste:
~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/cloud_scores
3. Press Enter
4. Look there for a file that might be called not_uploaded.mscz or something similar.
5. If you find something interesting, copy that file to another location and open from that new location

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