Pizza change to, later in score
chromebook/linux. I5, 8gig
In 4.4.4, is there some new way needed to change to pizz when using 'pizz' from text menu? Had no problem in 4.3. Does not do anything.
I may know, but just wondering.
chromebook/linux. I5, 8gig
In 4.4.4, is there some new way needed to change to pizz when using 'pizz' from text menu? Had no problem in 4.3. Does not do anything.
I may know, but just wondering.
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I must not understand your question. In the attached score (made in 4.4.4), I simply added notes in the violin part, clicked one note and clicked the pizz. tool from the Text palette. Then I clicked another note and clicked the arco tool from the same palette. Both pizz. and arco worked immediately. Can you clarify your problem?
20250325 001900 - pizz arco.mscz
In reply to I must not understand your… by TheHutch
Yes I can!
What you said did not work for me! No pizz! Sorry if I was unclear.
Two questions for you. Are you working in Chromebook with linux? Were you able to select violin section or fast violins or maybe even slow violins?
In reply to Yes I can! What you said did… by R. L. F.
It doesn't have anything to do with your choice of instrument. If you do not see pizz. and arco in the Text palette, try the More button (yellow highlight) in that palette. You should see something like this:
Click on a button (for example, the pizz. or arco buttons, highlighted green) to select it and you'll get a button at the top to Add to Text (or whichever other palette you happen to be looking at). Click that button and now the button is on the main palette and available to be used in your score.
I do see Violins (section) available as a choice in my list of Instruments. I've never seen either "Fast" or "Slow violins". If you have them, I assume that you have downloaded instruments from MuseHub. *shrug* But it really has nothing to do with instruments. You can even add pizz. and arco to instruments where it doesn't mean anything: like trombone. :-) You just have to get it on the palette.
In reply to It doesn't have anything to… by TheHutch
Buttons were there. I eliminated musehub shortly after downloading it. My system did not seem to care for it. In the past I have had violins section, but this time it was not in the window. I think this might be the problem. Fast violin, etc others were my only choice for sections. Yes you can use pizz on trombone but....does it
sound? :)
In reply to Buttons were there. I… by R. L. F.
"Violins fast" isn't an instrument, it is a sound within the "MS Basic" soundfont. You select sounds in the Mixer. There is an instrument is just called "Violins (section)" - you can select that when creating your score, or change an existing instrument from whatever it is currently using the "Replace instrument" button in the Layout panel (formerly called Instruments) in the left sidebar. So, click the setting button next to the instrument in question within the Layout panel and make sure it says it is set to "Violins (section)", and if not, change it to that.
In reply to "Violins fast" isn't an… by Marc Sabatella
I used mixer to chose sounds. Fast was/is my only option on the list for a section. I will try your suggestions when I have a program to work in. I am holding till you respond to my follow ups to make sure you do not want anything else before I close everything down and start over. Not a good day.
Thanks again for all the help!
In reply to I used mixer to chose sounds… by R. L. F.
That may be the problem. Don't use the mixer to choose the instrument.
Instead, in the score (not the mixer!) right-click on an early measure. (Don't right-click on a note/rest; simply on blank space within the measure.) From the context menu that appears, click on Staff/Part Properties .... In the second section of the dialog (headed Part properties), what is the "Instrument" listed? The first field under the section header?
I'm expecting it to be either "Violin" or "Violins (section)". If it's not, change it to one or the other by clicking the Replace Instrument button. Then, under Family, click on "Strings - Bowed" and under Instruments, click on "Violin", then on OK. Then on Apply and OK.
Now, still in the score, go to the upper left and click on Palettes. In the Palettes panel, do you have an entry for Text? If not, click on Add Palettes near the top of the panel, find Text in the list and click the large plus sign to the right of it. Once you've done that, look again in the Palettes panel: now you should have the entry for **Text.
Click the small triangle to the left of the word "Text" so that it "expands" the Text palette. Take a screenshot of this palette. Then click the More button at the bottom and take a screenshot of this list too. Attach them here.
The title triggers me. Changing a Calzone to a Quattro Staggione?
(And yes, I'm hungry 😉)
In reply to The title triggers me… by Jojo-Schmitz
I've been thinking that for days! LOL 'sprolly why I opened the thread in the first place. :-D
In reply to I've been thinking that for… by TheHutch
You didn't open it...
In reply to You didn't open it... by Jojo-Schmitz
"Opened" as in to view it, rather than "opened" as in starting it.
In reply to "Opened" as in to view it,… by TheHutch
I see