Bracketed 8vb treble clef?

• Jun 20, 2015 - 00:13

Hi all, I'm danball, longtime user of MuseScore, first time poster here. Sometimes when I am singing in my choir I see a solo part that can be performed by either a high voice or a low voice the octave below, and this is often written with a 8vb treble but with the dangling "8" in brackets, like this (8), to indicate it can be sung in either octave.
My question is this: is it possible to reproduce this treble clef in MuseScore?
I would like to know as I sometime write pieces with a solo that can be sung by a soprano or a tenor and I would like to have the appropriate clef to signal this.


Yes, indeed. It's in the Advanced version of the Clefs palette—you can switch from the Basic to the Advanced workspace below the palettes.

I'm doing a build from source just now so this may already be fixed but when I tried using the clef with bracket 8 last night it just placed a normal treble clef on the score.

It's the fact that it appears in the palette but didn't drag to the score that confused me. Yes, works fine when Bravura is set (Style> General> Score> Musical symbols font).

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