Midi importing two seperate midi tracks as a Grand Staff

• Dec 11, 2015 - 05:03

So whenever I try to import a midi file of mine, it is importing my 8 midi tracks as 4 grand staffs. I've imported the midi into Logic Pro, and it has them all as separate tracks. Since there's no easy way to split the grand staff, I'm not sure how to fix it.


It's easier to help if you attach the file you are having problems with - in this case, the MIDI file.

I'm guessing maybe while there are eighth tracks, they use only four channels between them and MuseScore is assigning staves based on that. If the controls in the MIDI import window at the bottom of the screen don't allow you to override this, then creating new staves manually and copying and pasting would be one possible solution.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have been having the same issue and I have been scratching my head trying to fix this. I write a lot of music arranged for three horn parts. I use Reaper to create the horn parts then export a midi file which can be imported into Musescore. This works well, except that it always combines the first two staves into a grand staff. I have spent a fair amount of trying to change this behavior, and searching online for an answer, and I still haven't found the setting to change this. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I solved my own problem! Each midi track needs to be on a separate channel. Everything was on channel 1 which is why Musescore was combining tracks. If each midi track is on a separate channel, Musescore will create separate staves instead of combining them into a grand staff.

In reply to by Bob3Rocks

Thank you! I was having the same problem. (Multiple MIDI tracks get mapped to the multiple staves of a single MuseScore part.) Giving each track a unique MIDI channel solves the problem.

But, there are only 16 MIDI channels. I don't see how this work around would work with a MIDI sequence containing more than 16 tracks. I probably am missing something but, it seems like, for type 1 MIDI files, it would be more robust to map each MIDI track to a MuseScore part. In my mind, the "track" concept is conceptually closer to "part" than "MIDI channel".

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