How to make a measure repeat 5 times?

• Dec 17, 2015 - 18:03

I'm arranging a song and a measure in it needs to repeat five times. How do I do that?


Click on the measure to select all the notes, press the R key four times. Or place start and end repeat barlines, Right-click ->Bar Properites ->set Repeat count to 5.

In reply to by Galileo_Gallifrey

I don't understand. Selecting sa measure and pressing "R" definitely repeats the measure, by copying and pastign it to the next measure,. which is exactly how this would ordinarily be notated. You can also if you prefer use the measure repeat symbol found on the Repeats palette - just select the next four measures and then double click the palette symbol. You could also place repeat barlines (from the Barlines palette) around the measure, add text that says "5X", and then set the repeat count to 5 in Measure Properties, but this would *not* be a recommended way of notating a repeat of a single measure. Either simply copying and pasting it - which is what "R" does - or using the measure repeat symbol are the more proper ways of notating it.

In reply to by Galileo_Gallifrey

I'm confused because your image doesn't in fact show *any* measures which immediately repeat themselves. What I see is an 8-bar (8-measure) repeat followed by a 4-bar (4-measure) repeat. By default in MuseScore, these will each play back twice (so the 8-bar repeated section will last 16 bars, and the 4-bar section will last 8 bars), but you can specify the number of times each section plays back by setting the "Repeat count" property in the last bar of each repeated section (right-click and choose "Bar Properties" if you're using British English, or "Measure Properties" if you're using American English).

It would also probably be a good idea to indicate the number of repeats you've set in the score visually by adding something like "(play 4 times)" using either stave or system text.

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