System Spacing

• Feb 26, 2016 - 09:44

Using 2.0.2 Win 7

I have a song (attached) where the (main) lyrics belong to the baritone part. When I enter the lyrics for that part, they are shown below the bass stave, which increases the space between the systems. Using Inspector, I've moved those lyrics up so they are between the two staves, (a) because I need to add lyrics below the stave for the bass part and (b) because it looks better.

But doing that gives a large gap between the systems.

Is there any way I can reduce that gap?
I can't find one at the moment but I'm not expert enough to work it out.

Attachment Size
Lord Im Coming Home.mscz 23.11 KB


Unfortunately, for now, tricks like this are the only way. Eventually, though, I'd love to see a way to specify lyrics as being above staff, to allow you to easily have some lyrics above staff but others below, and have the above staff lyrics allocate space as necessary above the staff rather than below. I think layout issues like this are the next big area for MuseScore to deal with.

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