Isaac Weiss

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Regression in MuseScore 2—clicking note then shift-clicking measure leads to list selection instead of range selection Isaac Weiss 4 9 years ago
Issue FreeSerif italics cause different line spacing in multi-line text Isaac Weiss 7 9 years ago
Forum topic New Continuous View look for 2.0.2? Isaac Weiss 3 9 years ago
Forum topic Different measures in song BoxyK 1 9 years ago
Forum topic score animation for video on YouTube martdullens 1 9 years ago
Forum topic How do a make an animated score for YouTube martdullens 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Create child pages from sections of "Layout and formatting" Isaac Weiss 10 9 years ago
Issue Place sforzato accent one staff space higher if note on middle line of staff has tie or slur Isaac Weiss 0 9 years ago
Issue Unable to play any score. ynny 1 9 years ago
Issue Unable to play any score. ynny 1 9 years ago
Issue No music Dawn Shyre 1 9 years ago
Forum topic 3-staff piano score Mark_Y 1 9 years ago
Issue request for a way to change the balance of a particular sound font, when mixing them rogerdpack 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Score sections missing crumhorn 2 9 years ago
Issue Em dash (—) in text style name turned to question mark Isaac Weiss 2 9 years ago
Forum topic Octave (8va) for 'two hands' playback hatricklov 3 9 years ago
Issue [Mac OS X] Scores that have not previously been opened do not open at first Isaac Weiss 6 9 years ago
Forum topic How to represent a double measure EgidioCaprino 3 9 years ago
Issue Regression in MuseScore 2—Em dash (—) not supported Isaac Weiss 9 9 years ago
Forum topic Patch Changes don't sound correctly in Note Entry joseph.branden… 2 9 years ago
Forum topic Issue opening mscz file ceol_deantoir 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Sound problem Spencer Arnold 1 9 years ago
Forum topic Louder Volume Evan Williamson 5 9 years ago
Issue Sound Lgilbreth 3 9 years ago
Issue Segment-attached element in Voice 2 causes corruption in Voice 1 on copy and paste Isaac Weiss 8 9 years ago