
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Notes tied together via regroup command play back as slurs Isaac Weiss 2 4 years ago
Issue Notes disappear when made small Ian Dey 3 4 years ago
Issue Lag in playback at tremolo parts or on 32nd note and above erwind.zephyro 5 4 years ago
Issue Stems and beams for small chords don't align correctly Howard-C 16 4 years ago
Issue Custom palettes have been completely erased wbsherratt_oboe 9 4 years ago
Issue Where did my work from the last 3 months go? Julia Levelle 6 4 years ago
Issue Tempo Bug Whitefox9000 5 4 years ago
Issue MuseScore crashing when opening a file zamanolis 7 4 years ago
Issue Changing staff distance in style doesn't work. tvav 4 4 years ago
Issue musescore 2.0.3 crashes continually ronfranz 2 4 years ago
Issue Tremolo notes don't appear when "tremolo" is entered in filter field clepsydrae 14 4 years ago
Issue Annoying Right-Click "Context-Sensitive Menu" Bug Paul Nahay 4 4 years ago
Issue Octave symbol in tablature doesn't seem to work correctly ycollet 9 4 years ago
Issue Not possible to work anymore on a saved score Oboistenjoerg 3 4 years ago
Issue No sound when playing muriel.li20 2 4 years ago
Issue No sound on some particulation installations NoelAstoc 5 4 years ago
Issue Sound - Scores will not play Sadaba_ 3 4 years ago
Issue Distortion Sound theodorediaz 5 4 years ago
Issue Partition Hyo Eun Park 3 4 years ago
Issue No sound Lucas Batista 3 4 years ago
Issue bug sélection armature BB82 2 4 years ago
Issue File corruption andrewstar123 5 4 years ago
Issue Chord Symbols - spaces instead of typed keys Innesw 2 4 years ago
Issue Glitch with editing bscloutier 2 4 years ago
Issue Syntax error by connecting the measure lines. 4 4 years ago