Type Titre Auteur Commentaires Dernière mise à jour
Issue Ove Import : Import of chordnames is wrong [DELETED] 5 5 il y a 8 ans
Issue Allow "Edit Style" window to remember "last user resize" geetar 19 il y a 8 ans
Issue Crash on play caused by channel mismatch [DELETED] 5 8 il y a 8 ans
Issue Short instrument names used instead of the long one if score starts with a vertical frame [DELETED] 5 8 il y a 8 ans
Issue [svg export] note head and stem apart on downstem notes Kristo 12 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Musescore 3.0 (nightly, 4e4486b) doesn't show by default instrument names (score created on 2.0.2)? mdi1972 5 il y a 8 ans
Issue Select note values onto multimeasure rests in parts leads to corruption and crash cadiz1 9 il y a 8 ans
Issue Program freezes computer when opening Pastor Kimberl… 3 il y a 8 ans
Issue crash after launch on OS X gabortill 10 il y a 8 ans
Issue Embedded pictures when creating part cause crash ManfredHerr 22 il y a 8 ans
Issue unable to enter the number 7 using shortcuts on guitar tabs LeBeginner 6 il y a 8 ans
Issue Sound and Play back problems. animeaobsessed 12 il y a 8 ans
Issue Staff Properties -> Advanced Style properties causes crash in RELEASE build Fyrult 44 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Question about MusicXML Export <duration> tag jgab3103 3 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Help needed for Notation Alignment MusicFreedom 6 il y a 8 ans
Issue Cannot load sfz files with "default_path" parameter Daniel D'Onofrio 4 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Request for comment: Doing away with Staff Properties "Part name" and using "Long instrument name" instead Isaac Weiss 38 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Creating a customised legacy build of 2.0.1 for Win7 Recorder485 40 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum unlink editing from voice dependent score text compensation bmyury 3 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Auto-adjusting note duration when changing time signature. (Or some way to bulk-change durations manually) Ratspeed 10 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Not so random generator carlosAdrian 4 il y a 8 ans
Issue translation (french) error, tooltip horizontal offset for text robert leleu 6 il y a 8 ans
Issue Upgrade Mac OSX build server to Qt 5.4, and possibly upgrade the OS version [DELETED] 5 1 il y a 8 ans
Issue Tied note doesn't play on repeat [DELETED] 5 6 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum adding new instrument is not visible jim.newton.562 7 il y a 8 ans