Type Titre Auteur Commentaires Dernière mise à jour
Sujet de forum Browsing musescore.com score frfancha 6 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Cross-Staff Beaming Question DED010 2 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Editing Score Automatically Resets every time a note is added or changed blah deblah 19 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Exporter les parties non actif YvesRamel 7 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Export SVG of Continuous View clarity-shimoniak 2 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum MuseScore.com is down mike320 4 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum passage version 1.3 a 2.0.3 srclairececile 4 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Notation des divisions irrégulières (double ou croche ?) un poco sostenuto 2 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Filing an issue that applies to both 2.1 and 3.0 nightlies chen lung 2 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Musescore doesn't run !! fraid 11 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Musescore hangs with spinning circle on launch psl 11 il y a 8 ans
Issue [Website] Improving the menu structure & copywriting Thomas 10 il y a 8 ans
Issue Move big files to git LFS [DELETED] 5 7 il y a 8 ans
Issue TAB: Improvment of cursor position, currently poorly centered cadiz1 7 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum unstable speed in Android version? Cardo62 3 il y a 8 ans
Issue Store text in CDATA in MuseScore file [DELETED] 5 2 il y a 8 ans
Issue Get ride of locale name in languages.xml [DELETED] 5 2 il y a 8 ans
Issue Make vertical/horizontal scrolling be a score setting, not global preference Marc Sabatella 14 il y a 8 ans
Issue Continuous view: Improve accuracy of measure number display geetar 6 il y a 8 ans
Issue Collapsible sections in Inspector Isaac Weiss 14 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Compile instructions for Windows - MinGW up to date? Isensee 5 il y a 8 ans
Issue [BIAB] Melody is not imported [DELETED] 5 5 il y a 8 ans
Issue text with circle around it ignores background color Jojo-Schmitz 11 il y a 8 ans
Issue "+" in time signature does not appear in Gonville richardm999 2 il y a 8 ans
Sujet de forum Transifex today Shoichi 2 il y a 8 ans