Can't output midi (Ubuntu 18)

• Feb 5, 2021 - 20:01

First of all, I would like to thank everybody responsible for this wonderful open source score editor, you make the world a better place.

Now, I'm trying to output midi. I went to Edit > Preferences> I/O (which by default was Pulseaudio) and chose Jack, but then the playback doesn't work anymore. I've tried different options (with or without audio), but all I get is either crashes, or the playback seems to be off.

I'm using 3.6.1 unstable from Ubuntu repositories (or perhaps this one comes from KXStudio).

Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2021-02-05 20-20-59.png 59.95 KB


Do you have JACK installed, and MuseScore selected as an input, and a device or program selected within JACK as an output device? If not, then it shouldn't be expected to work.

But if you're just trying to connect to a physical MIDI device like a synthesizer, no need for JACK, just select a MIDI Output device directly in PortAudio or whatever other section of the dialog might provide that option on your system.

In reply to by josebarragans

I've seen other reports of people having trouble getting JACK to recognize MuseScore, but since every system is different, it's hard to say what specifically is going on. One thing I can say is that the repository versions are often out of date and even when not are often built against incorrect libraries, so first thing to try if you encounter any sort of pro blem is the support version of MsueScore we provide - the AppImage.

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