File Icons

• Sep 9, 2021 - 21:34

I am using Musescore 3.6.2 - installed with Flatpak. When I save a MuseScore file the file appears in the folder but the icon on the file indicates a text file, not a musescore file. When I used MuseScore before installed via a repository, the files had a musescore icon on them.

Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2021-09-09 21-32-05.png 6.14 KB


To be clear: neither repository not Flatpak versions are built by or supported by us, and indeed, they often have hard-to-diagnose problems. The AppImage you download from this site is the supported way to run MuseScore. As per the download instructions, simply run it once with the "install" option and then you can launch it normally after that from your desktop.

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