Repeat's after D.C.

• Jan 11, 2022 - 10:18

Hey folks,

just have a little question about the notation according repeats. I wrote this little piece just as a test case for my question, see attachment.

Bar 1-4 are repeated when the piece is played the first time. But after the D.C. kicked in, the repeat sign is ignored. Is that just musecore or is this the way repeat signs are treated? And if so, what are my options to get it repeated the second time as well?


PS: Love MuseCore so far! It realy speeds up and improves my progress & process.

Attachment Size
Repeats_after_Da_Capo.mscz 13.69 KB


This is generaly the way repeats are treated after jumps, but you can have the repeats too, of you use the Inspector on the jump and the 'Play repeats' checkbox

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