changing font size of the text at top of the score of an extracted part

• Feb 14, 2022 - 03:02

Unusual query but is there by any chance a way to change the font size of the text at the top of the score of a part once it's been extracted? So for example, the title of the work exists in big, normal font size at the top of the part - what I then want to do is click on the title, move cursor to the end of the title, then press enter to enter a new line of text (basically I want to leave a very brief instruction for the performer at the top of the part) and at this point, I want to change the font to a smaller size before entering the new line of text. Unlikely, I'm guessing, but I thought I'd ask.


Sure, use the text toolbar at the bottom of the window to change the font for individual lines, words, or characters, or use the Inspector to change the font for the whole text element. You could also simply add a new text element to the frame (right-click it then click Add menu in the menu that appears).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Interesting. I figured out how to change font size using text toolbar at bottom of window (you have to type what you want to change first, then highlight it and reduce font size), but I couldn't get anywhere with the other two methods. With Inspector, I couldn't change font size of individual words, only all the words in the title area of the frame. Perhaps that's what you meant when you said you can (only?) change the font for the whole text element with that option.

With the last suggestion, I right-clicked on the frame and selected add text from the menu, but when I do that it only seems to select the top left corner of the frame as a starting point for text. I don't know how you would select another point in the frame, ie a point in the more central space, to start typing.

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