Ratio Tuplets within Tuplets - How?

• Apr 11, 2022 - 21:08

Hello MuseScore!
I've recently been attempting to re-transcribe the works of Karlheinz Stockhausen in Musescore, just to see if it's possible. I'm only 3 notes into Klavierstuck I, and I've run into something strange. I know it's possible to create tuplets within tuplets, as long as they're represented with integers- but I'm struggling to input ratio tuplets within ratio tuplets. How would I?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give!
An image of the intended result is included below.

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The problem is that the 7:5 tuplet does not have a note/rest value which can represent the entire length of the septuplet. The "solution" shown below is ridiculously complicated and the layout is fragile, but I show it because nobody has offered any other method.


Attachment Size
Nested_Tuplets.mscz 22.98 KB

In reply to by DanielR

Always up for a challenge. Here is my solution



This should play back as written.

A few additional notes:

  1. the tempo will need to be reinstated in the following 5/4 measure.
  2. the 7:5 tuplet measure should be excluded from the measure count (via its measure properties)

This trick of making a fake measure with the duration of the tuplet works for all cases as the tuplet can be formed from a whole measure rest which can be of any duration.

[Edit: The invisible tempo didn't show up in the screen capture. It should be eighth = 176 i.e. 80.x 11/5 ).

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